Florida man arrested for the death of Black Lives Matter activist, Toyin Salau, confesses and reveals how he killed her

The confession and the details of how Toyin Salau, a Black Lives Matter activist, was killed have been revealed by a Florida man, who has been arrested. The accused, 49-year-old Aaron Glee Jr., admitted to killing Toyin as well as another woman, 75-year-old Victoria Sims, and disclosed the circumstances surrounding their deaths.

After the bodies of Toyin and Victoria were found in a house he rented in Tallahassee, Aaron attempted to escape but was captured by the police in Orlando on Sunday, June 14th. His mother, Sandra Cutliff, disclosed to the Daily Mail that Aaron called her and confessed to the murders, providing disturbing details about the incidents.

According to Aaron’s mother, he claimed to have met Toyin on a bus and invited her to his residence for a shower. Subsequently, he stated that after the shower, Toyin allegedly requested drugs, and when he refused, she reportedly bit him and insulted him. This led to a confrontation that escalated, resulting in Aaron strangling Toyin to death.

Furthermore, Aaron confessed to his mother about killing Victoria last week after she insulted him. He revealed that the two had a long-standing relationship, with Victoria often assisting him with various tasks and services. Aaron referred to Victoria as “Miss Vicky” and his “white grandmother” and occasionally cooked for her.

It was also reported that Salau had previously tweeted about being sexually assaulted by a man who pretended to be a church member before her death. However, it is not confirmed if Aaron is the same individual accused by Salau. As Aaron’s mother stated, he did not sexually assault Salau and did not have a vehicle. Additionally, Aaron had been arrested two weeks prior for aggravated battery causing bodily harm after an altercation at a bus stop.

Sandra Cutliff mentioned that her son had been struggling with mental health issues and had been experiencing a decline into a psychotic break in recent weeks. Prison records revealed Aaron’s extensive criminal history dating back to 1989, with convictions for offenses such as robbery, grand theft auto, credit card fraud, and forging bills.