Fetish objects placed in front of University of Ibadan main entrance gate scares students and workers

Students, workers, and visitors of University of Ibadan were frightened by a peculiar sculpture that appeared in front of the main entrance gate on Friday morning. The sculpture, carved in human form, had never been seen in that location before.

The imagery became suspicious due to the placement of pepper and tomatoes around it, with tomato juice circling the image, creating a fetish-like appearance.

A senior staff member from UI informed Tribune Online that it is not uncommon for members of the Non-Academic Staff Union (NASU) to place fetish objects in strategic areas of the school during strikes to discourage people from entering.

Furthermore, the NASU leadership had called for an indefinite strike action against the school authorities to demand better welfare package, prompting the placement of the sculpture. NASU chairman, UI, Comrade Malachy Etim, confirmed the placement, referring to it as a “harmless object” symbolizing the union’s unity.