Federal Government Initiates Evaluation of Ogoni Clean-up Efforts

Plans have been unveiled by the Federal Government to conduct an assessment of the progress made in cleaning up oil-contaminated sites in Ogoni land, located in Rivers State. The purpose of this evaluation is to understand the impact of these efforts on the local community’s lives and livelihoods.

Assurances have been given by the government to dedicate the necessary attention to resolving the obstacles and hindrances that are impeding the development of this oil and gas-rich region.

During a one-day Ogoni Clean-up Stakeholders Roundtable Meeting in Bori, the headquarters of Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State, Senior Special Assistant on Community Engagement to President Bola Tinubu, South-South, Gift Johnbull, made these announcements. The event, branded as ‘Na my Area, Na my Country: Climate Resilience and Adaptation in South-South Nigeria’, is part of Tinubu’s ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’, designed to enhance government-community interactions.

Johnbull disclosed her assignment to visit this region abundant in oil and gas resources, ensuring the successful execution of the renewed agenda across all localities.

Emphasizing the importance of inclusive engagement, she expressed her commitment to ensuring the complete involvement of all Ogoni community members in the President’s renewed hope agenda.

Johnbull reiterated the emphasis on collaboration and inclusivity for fostering long-lasting peace and progress in the region, highlighting the anticipated positive impact of the clean-up on the Ogoni people’s lives and sustenance.

“This initiative aims at the realization of the Renewed Hope agenda at every level within the South-South states, from villages to cities and everything in between.

“Our deliberations will center on evaluating and discussing impactful empowerment initiatives, including environmental rehabilitation and various forms of enhancements in livelihoods, all aimed at enduringly benefitting the Ogoni populace.

“Therefore, it is imperative to reflect on our achievements thus far and evaluate the outcomes of the Ogoni Clean Up in its contribution to the betterment of the community,” Johnbull articulated.

She assured that the Federal Government is committed to overcoming challenges and impediments obstructing the region’s progress, underlining Tinubu’s dedication to fostering a closer connection between the Presidency and the Ogoni people as well as the broader South-South community.

“We will tackle the hurdles and bottlenecks that may have slowed down the advancement, if any, which will be tabled for discussion today.

“A robust governance structure and accountability mechanisms have been set up by the President to ensure transparency, efficient resource allocation, and meaningful community engagement in the clean-up procedure.”

Providing insights, Project Coordinator of the Hydrocarbon Pollution Remediation Project, Prof. Nenibarini Zabbey, remarked on the smooth progress in remediating the Ogoni environment, with 48 sample sites being certified as free from hydrocarbon pollution by the National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency.

Zabbey stated, “The Ogoni clean-up efforts are currently in full swing. We are earnestly working on environmental remediation, livelihood support, water provision, and healthcare system reinforcements. To date, 2,650 mangrove seedlings have been planted.

“Empowering our youth is among the prime objectives of the clean-up. We are dedicated to supporting young individuals in realizing their potentials in life. Recently, we conducted training in Proposal writing for 300 graduates and undergraduates.”

In his address, monarch HRM Suanu Baridam recommended a greater delegation of powers to the HYPREP Project Coordinator to facilitate independent decision-making within the project, raising concerns over the excessive reliance on approvals from Abuja, which impacts the project’s efficiency.

Baridam, the King of Gbenemene Bangha Kingdom, emphasized, “It is not ideal for the Project Coordinator to continually seek approval from Abuja. All requests should not have to go through Abuja for approval. The PC should possess the authority to grant approvals themselves.”