Father shocked to discover one of newborn twins isn’t genetically related to him

A father was astonished to learn that his twin babies have different biological fathers, as a DNA test revealed that one of them isn’t his.


The father made this surprising discovery while undergoing the standard procedure to register their births in China, where a DNA analyst shared the startling news.


Reports from Chinese media indicate that the unidentified Chinese man was shocked by the test results, which suggested that his wife had been involved with another man alongside him.


Deng Yajun, the practitioner responsible for the paternity report, stated that the likelihood of such a case is one in 10 million.


Ms. Deng, also the director of Beijing Zhongzheng Forensic Identification Centre, explained the possibility of this occurrence, stating, “First, the mother needs to produce two eggs instead of one in the same month to have twins. Second, she needs to have intercourse with two men in a really short space of time to make it possible.”


“The results showed that the children have the same mother but not the same father. They have at least two fathers,” Ms. Deng suggested. 


It is an extremely rare phenomenon for twins to have different fathers, known as heteropaternal superfecundation.


For both eggs to be fertilized, women typically have to have sexual intercourse with two different men within a day before or after ovulation. 


Similar incidents have been reported in China previously.


For instance, in 2019, a Chinese mother had to confess to cheating on her husband after DNA results revealed the truth when the couple tried to register their twin sons’ births at a local police station.


The husband, known by his alias Xiaolong, had noticed that one of his sons didn’t resemble him at all.


After reading the DNA report, Xiaolong confronted his wife, who initially denied the affair and accused him of falsifying the results.


However, she later admitted to having had a one-night stand with another man during interrogation by Xiaolong.


In another instance, in 2014, an affluent businessman named Zhou Gang from the eastern Chinese city Yiwu was devastated to learn that one of his twin sons was not related to him.


After noting that his elder son had double eyelids while both he and the children’s mother had single eyelids, Zhou Gang decided to have a DNA test performed.