Father of six commits suicide after wife of 16 years cheated on him in Delta

The tragic incident that took place on Friday, February 28 in Sapele, Delta State, resulted in the suicide of Felix Edore, a father of six. He took his own life after discovering that his wife of 16 years was cheating on him. Edore, who worked as a cab driver shuttling between Abraka and Eku communities, consumed the poisonous Sniper insecticide upon uncovering his wife’s extramarital affair.

According to an eyewitness who spoke to The Nation, Edore came home lively as usual that evening, complaining about his car before tragically consuming Sniper later. Despite being rushed to the clinic, he was confirmed dead on Saturday morning.

This unfortunate incident sheds light on the devastating impact of infidelity and underscores the need for mental health support in such circumstances.