Farmer in Poland dies of a heart attack and is consumed by his 12 pigs

After collapsing from a suspected heart attack, a farmer met a tragic end when his 12 Hungarian Mangalica pigs consumed his body on his farm. The 71-year-old, known as ‘Mr Krzysztof’, was reportedly fetching water from a well on his property in the village of Osiek, southwest Poland, when the incident occurred.


His remains, only a pile of bones and skull fragments, were discovered by a neighbor who went in search of him after noticing his absence since New Year’s Eve.


Neighbors speculated that Mr Krzysztof, who reportedly had a drinking problem, might have drifted off to sleep while attempting to collect water from the well. There are also suggestions that he may have suffered a heart attack. One neighbor mentioned, “He forgot to give the pigs food and probably fell asleep.”


The debate among locals revolves around whether the pigs should be euthanized, but the prosecutor’s office has stated that it is not necessary in the course of the investigation.


Meanwhile, Katarzyna Trotzek from the ‘Chrumkowo’ pig asylum expressed disbelief that the pigs consumed the farmer’s body, stating, “It’s hard for me to believe that they would have done this.”


The investigation into this unfortunate event continues.