Family Members Accused of Killing Security Guard Over Mask Policy

Charged with murder in the fatal shooting of a security guard was a father of six, Calvin Munerlyn, 43, who was shot dead while working at a Family Dollar store in Flint, Michigan. The incident occurred when he tried to enforce the store’s mask policy during the Coronavirus pandemic.


Three family members charged with murder of a security guard who tried to enforce mask policy


The accused individuals, Sharmel Teague, her husband Larry Teague, 44, and her son Ramonyea Bishop, 23, have been charged with first-degree premeditated murder and gun charges for the killing. The altercation began when Munerlyn refused to let Sharmel’s daughter enter the store without a face mask.


Following the disagreement between Sharmel Teague and the security guard, Larry Teague and Bishop entered the store. Larry confronted Munerlyn, who had reportedly disrespected his wife, and then Bishop shot Munerlyn in the back of the head, according to Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton.


While Sharmel Teague has been arrested, Teague and Bishop are still at large. Larry Teague also faces additional charges for violating Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s executive order mandating face coverings inside stores.


Leyton stated, ‘From all indications, Mr. Munerlyn was simply doing his job in upholding the Governor’s Executive Order related to the COVID-19 pandemic for the safety of store employees and customers.’ He added, ‘It is important that the governor’s order be respected and adhered to, and for someone to lose their life over it is beyond comprehension.’


If convicted, the premeditated murder charge in Michigan carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison with no chance of parole. Munerlyn succumbed to his gunshot wounds after being taken to Hurley Medical Center. He is survived by his wife of 10 years and their six children.


Three family members charged with murder of a security guard who tried to enforce mask policy


Munerlyn’s mother, Bernadett, expressed her desire for justice for her son and emphasized the importance of following the law and government guidelines during the crisis. Governor Whitmer and Munerlyn’s cousin, Tina James, also condemned the senseless act of violence over a mask policy.