Falz Explains the Absence of Social Commentary in His EP

Folarin Falana, also known as Falz, a rapper, actor, and activist, recently discussed why his latest EP album, named Before the Feast, does not contain social or political commentary.

In an interview with Sunday Scoop, he shared, “In this project, I have opted not to focus heavily on social or political commentary, which is my usual style. There are elements of socially conscious lyrics, but they do not directly address the country’s affairs. This deliberate choice stems from my decision to avoid complaints. I aim to convey emotions without the tone of complaint. I want to immerse the listener in the African mindset that I believe should prevail in 2024.”

When asked about the eclectic mix of music genres in the EP, Falz explained, “The diversity was intentional. I wanted to offer listeners a varied musical experience. Interestingly, each song had a different producer, unintentionally. This unintentional diversity allowed us to experiment with a wide range of sounds, making the EP more dynamic.”

Reflecting on collaborating with Adekunle Gold on the track, “Who go Pay,” Falz commented, “If you had asked me beforehand about the type of vibe I would create with Adekunle Gold, I would not have predicted this one. But once we worked on it, I was pleasantly surprised and thrilled with the result.”