ExxonMobil’s Commitment to Nigeria

The affirmation from ExxonMobil Nigeria’s Managing Director, Shane Harris, is strong and clear: they are staying in Nigeria, despite the swirling rumors.

This declaration comes especially in the wake of their proposed divestment of a 100% stake in Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited to Seplat Energy Offshore Limited.

At a meeting with Senator Heineken Lokpobiri, the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources in Abuja, Harris emphasized that ExxonMobil is actively making new investments in Nigeria’s oil and gas sector.

In a statement released in Abuja on Monday by the Special Assistant on Media and Communications to the petroleum minister, Nneamaka Okafor, this commitment was highlighted.

“Mr. Harris hinted at the significant new investments ExxonMobil is channeling into Nigeria’s energy sector during the meeting,” the statement revealed.

It went on to quote the ExxonMobil chief, who conveyed, “We are enthusiastic about the potential that these new investments bring. Our partnership with the Nigerian government is vital for sustainable growth, and we anticipate continuing our cooperation as our intention is not to exit.”

Lokpobiri, on his end, reiterated the Federal Government’s determination to boost production and create a favorable environment for energy sector investors.