Expert in Astronomy Dismisses Astrology as “Nonsense,” Claims Stars Have Minimal Impact on Humans

Astronomy specialist says Astrology is "nonsense" and the stars have little influence on humans

Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock, an accomplished astronomy expert, firmly asserts that astrology is nonsensical and contends that stars wield minimal influence on human behavior.

She maintains that star patterns, such as Pisces, are non-existent and emphasizes that the grouping of stars we perceive as constellations holds no spatial proximity in the cosmos.

In her podcast appearance on How To Fail with Elizabeth Day, Dr. Aderin-Pocock expressed her skepticism, stating, “I find astrology a little bit of a stretch. [Stars] are just sort of bodies in space, so I think they have very, very little influence on us.”

She further explained that zodiac signs and famous constellations are merely visually clustered from Earth’s perspective, with no tangible proximity in reality.

Despite debunking the beliefs associated with zodiac signs, she acknowledged the historical significance of astrology preceding astronomy and encouraged exploration of its origins.

Dr. Aderin-Pocock, an honorary research associate of University College London’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, also serves as the Chancellor of the University of Leicester.