'Every conversation with me is highly classified' -Trump threatens former Security adviser John Bolton will be treated as a 'criminal' if he publishes new book 

The US President, Donald Trump, has issued a threat against John Bolton, the former National Security Advisor, suggesting that criminal prosecution could await him over the contents of his new book about working for Trump in the White House.

ABC News has revealed that Bolton will feature in a prime time interview with Martha Raddatz, during which he will discuss the book’s contents and address his decision not to testify against Trump during last year’s impeachment trial.

The forthcoming book, titled ‘The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir’ and set for release on June 23, is expected to shed light on the “chaos and a president focused exclusively on his own re-election.”

According to Trump, the book could potentially reveal classified information, and there are plans to file a lawsuit to prevent its release.

Bill Barr, the Attorney General, has emphasized the need for Bolton to go through the National Security Council security review process, suggesting that failure to do so could result in criminal liability.

Bolton’s lawyer, Chuck Cooper, has argued that the vetting process and the subsequent objections raised by the White House are unjust, stating that the book will be published as scheduled on June 23.