Eucharia Anunobi recounts how a hotel cleaner at a church camp allegedly used a toilet brush to wash glass cups

Eucharia Anunobi recently shared a shocking incident on her Instagram where she witnessed a hotel cleaner at a church camp using a toilet brush to wash glass cups. She also recounted a separate incident where a movie production assistant used a toilet cleaning liquid to wash plates she had given to him. According to the veteran actress, when she initially made these claims, she was accused of being dishonest.

In a post featuring a video of a journalist exposing hygiene breaches in three top hotels in Harbin, North-East China, Anunobi emphasized the vindication she feels from having the video evidence. Through her post, she addressed the naysayers and expressed her satisfaction at the validation of her previous claims. The post is dated February 4, 2020 and can be viewed on her Instagram account.