Eniola Badmus called out for not self-isolating after returning from UK

The failure of Nollywood actress Eniola Badmus to self-isolate upon her return from the UK has been brought to public attention. The actress had earlier announced that she practiced social distancing during her stay in London. She confessed in a video shared on Instagram that she was returning to Lagos for a movie and expressed her reluctance to be quarantined.

Upon her arrival in Lagos, she appeared to make a veiled comment aimed at those who advised her to stay back in the UK. Eniola Badmus, however, faced criticism for being hosted by Funke Akindele, which goes against the directive of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) that mandates a 14-day self-isolation for travelers returning from high-risk coronavirus countries.

The actress later defended herself in a tweet, stating that she had been indoors since her return from London and had only driven to visit a friend before returning home.