Empress Njamah to Host a Charity Thanksgiving Event for Kids, Celebrating Foundation’s 18th Anniversary

Renowned Nollywood actress, Empress Njamah, is winning the hearts of millions with her upcoming grand party for kids, setting the stage for a charity Thanksgiving and birthday event. She also announced the 18th anniversary of the Empress Njamah Foundation.

Expressing her excitement for the upcoming event, Empress eagerly looks forward to having a great time with the children, whom she considers her own.

18th ANNIVERSARY FOR @empressnjamahfoundation_
Looking forward to having fun with my kids
@sharonfrancis01 @officialemmalabista thanks for the fun” – Empress Njamah.

Empress Njamah charity ThanksgivingEmpress Njamah charity Thanksgiving

Last month, Njamah celebrated her birthday with a double celebration, sharing stunning photos of herself dressed in a white dress. The actress expressed her overwhelming joy and gratitude, proclaiming loud testimonies of praise and thanksgiving, highlighting her numerous reasons to be grateful this year, including overcoming a profoundly challenging situation involving a previous partner.

Furthermore, she acknowledged the divine intervention that helped her out of her distressing circumstances and expressively shared her heartfelt emotions.

Empress Njamah’s resiliency and gratitude are inspiring, as she looks forward to celebrating her foundation’s milestone anniversary while bringing smiles to the faces of children through a charitable event.