Emir of Potiskum’s Brush with Bandits: Hours in the Bush Following Attack that Killed 6

Umaru Bubaram, the Emir of Potiskum in Yobe State, recounted his harrowing encounter with bandits who killed 6 people during an attack on his convoy at Kaduna-Zaria highway.


Four of the Emir’s aides and two bus passengers tragically lost their lives in the attack, which also left several others injured.


Describing his ordeal to the press, Bubaram revealed that he spent hours trekking through the bush to evade the attackers and even had to spend a night in hiding after the assault.


Speaking of the terrifying experience, the Emir of Potiskum said:


“We were just about thirty seconds from our discussion then the sound of gunshots erupted. The gunshots were unbelievable. It was just like a war field.

“Instantly, I saw my pilot driver swerved and then hit a standing vehicle. I suspected the shooting affected him and the police people around him.

“As the shooting was going on, we decided to abandon our vehicles and take to safety. God in His infinite mercy led me to escape the danger zone. The gunshots continued for almost two hours. I continued trekking into the bush until when the sound of the guns was a bit far off from me. That is how I found myself, it’s God mercy that helped me to escape danger zone.

“I was in the bush all the time the shooting was going on. The shooting started at around 11.00pm and did not stop until around 1.00am, the following day. I decided to remain in the bush till morning. The security people started to come for me and other groups at around 2.00am but I refused to come out at the time because, I didn’t not know the objective of the attack.

“I stayed in the bush because I may fall a prey of the attack. I stayed in the bush until morning when the security came back and I came and they picked me up. They took me to the hospital for medical checkup.

“I was well comforted so I didn’t develop any trauma. I didn’t even know about the death of my people until yesterday morning when the news was brought to me that I lost four of my people in that skirmishes. Some of my policemen also sustained gunshots but were treated at the hospital.”