Elikem’s Controversial Advice to Actors Sparks Backlash

Elikem faced severe criticism after expressing gratitude towards Ghanaian producers for not compensating him adequately, stating that it inspired him to seek alternative employment. He encouraged fellow actors to pursue day jobs instead of solely relying on acting.


The former Big Brother Africa participant, who was previously married to co-star Pokello, took to Instagram to recount his experiences of being used as an errand boy by producers. He revealed instances where he went unpaid and expressed satisfaction solely with being featured in a movie.


Elikem added that the lack of payment, and when paid, receiving meager amounts, led him to seek additional employment, a decision he appreciates today. He captioned the video with the message: “Letter to my Fellow Actors. STOP complaining. leave the producers alone. find a day job. and see who they will shoot with.”




This statement sparked widespread outrage and drew backlash from numerous Ghanaians who accused him of endorsing producers’ lack of payment.


Actors Juliet Ibrahim and James Gardiner were among those who publicly criticized his comments.



Elikem receives backlash after advising actors to get a day job while thanking producers for not paying well

Elikem receives backlash after advising actors to get a day job while thanking producers for not paying well

Elikem receives backlash after advising actors to get a day job while thanking producers for not paying well

Elikem receives backlash after advising actors to get a day job while thanking producers for not paying well


Following the public outcry, Elikem issued a video to clarify his intentions. He emphasized that his statement was not directed at veteran Ghanaian actor Kofi Ajorlolo, despite its timing after Kofi Adjorlolo’s criticism of some Ghanaian movie producers not compensating actors.


He proceeded to apologize to Ajorlolo, asserting that he did not intend malice when advising actors to seek alternative employment.


He expressed in the video: “I want to apologise to Kofi Ajorlolo, I respect him as a father, I sincerely apologise if it came across as if I was debunking his statement or going against what he said…”


He added in the caption: “An Apology also to Kofi Adjololo. Let’s come together as Actors. Let’s not complain.”




In a subsequent post, he stated: “That post of mine sparked up alot of controversy on social media. I was not referring to Mr Ajololo in anyway . If you listen closely I even said while you persue your acting career. I stated my views and made point. If my fellow actors, successful ones and incoming or upcoming ones dont think its advisable to add another stream of income to their full time Jobs as actors. Then that’s their opinion. It’s worked for me. Not everything works for everyone and not everyone wants to be a millionaire. So if you’ll take it. Take it. If not. Leave me alone to do my thing.”


Elikem receives backlash after advising actors to get a day job while thanking producers for not paying well


His colleagues were not appeased by his apology and they told him that he was out of line.


Elikem receives backlash after advising actors to get a day job while thanking producers for not paying well

Elikem receives backlash after advising actors to get a day job while thanking producers for not paying well

Elikem receives backlash after advising actors to get a day job while thanking producers for not paying well

Elikem receives backlash after advising actors to get a day job while thanking producers for not paying well