Elderly Man Caught S*Xually Assaulting a Little Girl Inside a Toilet in Top Northern State [Shocking Photos]

Elderly Man Caught S*Xually Assaulting a Little Girl Inside a Toilet in Top Northern State [Shocking Photos]

An elderly man was caught s3xually molesting and defiling a little girl inside a toilet at their compound in Kaduna

An elderly man was caught sexually molesting and defiling a little girl inside a toilet at their compound in Kaduna state, Nigeria. This is a very shameful act.

According to reports, a neighbor spotted the man with the little girl while engaging her in s3xual acts in the toilet, a photo of them were taken as a proof before an alarm was raised.

A Facebook user who lives in Kaduna state – shared the shocking picture online.

Elderly Man Caught S*Xually Assaulting a Little Girl Inside a Toilet in Top Northern State [Shocking Photos]