EFCC boss, Ibrahim Magu vows to pursue looters in Ghana

Ibrahim Magu, the acting chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission EFCC, has announced that the commission is preparing to pursue Nigerian looters who are currently hiding in Ghana.


During a visit from the Chartered Institute of Public Resources Management and Politics (CIPRMP) in Abuja on Friday June 26, Magu stated that the commission is mobilizing resources to track down the looters and reclaim the stolen wealth hidden in the neighboring country.


“Corruption knows no boundaries. We are pooling our resources to enable us to go to Ghana without limitations and retrieve our stolen assets. I urge Nigerians to provide the Commission with relevant information about corrupt practices in the country.

There are numerous looters taking refuge in Ghana. We are engaging in discussions and we will repatriate them and recover the assets back to Nigeria.” he affirmed


In response to allegations of lack of transparency in the Commission’s operations, the EFCC boss addressed:


“We adhere to international best practices in our investigative processes, asset tracing, and asset recovery. We have our records. We are aware that we have antagonized many individuals. We have confronted the untouchables and dared powerful figures in their domains. We undertake these actions not because we seek danger and peril, but because we prioritize the prosperity and advancement that anti-corruption efforts bring.

We prioritize quality lives for our fellow citizens and we strive for a better future for our children. The toll of combating corruption may be severe, but the toll of ignoring it is even more dire. This is why we continue to urge every Nigerian to enlist in the fight against corruption. A righteous battle is one fought by the majority for the benefit of the majority.”