Dog and Goat Compete for Honorary Mayor Position in US Town

Two unlikely candidates, Lincoln the goat and Sammy the dog, have entered the race for the honorary mayorship of Fair Haven, a town in the US state of Vermont.

The Town Manager, Joe Gunter, explained that the pet mayor election was created to raise funds for the rehabilitation of a community playground and to encourage civic engagement among children.

“In Fair Haven, just like everywhere else, voter participation is not always as high as we want it,” Gunter stated.

Sammy, a K-9 German Shepherd known for visiting local schools, attending park concerts, and being adored by the townspeople, was nominated by a police chief.

Dog and goat vie for honorary mayor of US town

The Nubian goat, who clinched the mayoral title in 2019, is also in the running and is expected to face strong competition, given the popularity of both animals in the town.

“We’re definitely more excited about Sammy winning the race. The friendly canine sits at the school when the kids are coming and going and even wanders through the halls,” shared Sharai Thayer, a parent with three kids in the town’s school.

Dog and goat vie for honorary mayor of US town

On the election day, March 3, voters will have the opportunity to cast their ballots for a fee of $1. The town aims to raise $80,000 for the playground, as it only managed to collect $200 from the 2019 election. To further contribute to the cause, a GoFundMe page has been established.