Discover the Latest Update Patch Notes for Predecessor V0.4 – Unveiling on 21 February 2023

Explore Predecessor

Embrace the thrill of the action-packed Predecessor, a unique fusion of MOBA and FPS gameplay where you are thrust into the heart of the battle with strategic decision-making, third-person control, and immersive action. User reviews have been overwhelmingly positive, with 82% of 2,992 reviews praising the game. Launched on Nov 30, 2022, stay tuned for more updates coming your way soon.

Let’s Dive into the Predecessor V0.4 Update Patch Notes

Get ready for a performance like no other!

Join Shinbi on her sold-out tour of Predecessor, where you have front-row seats! This viral pop sensation dazzles the stage with mesmerizing performances, unleashing deadly tunes that summon powerful wolves during her concerts. The excitement never stops for her adoring fans!


Passive: Biting Melody

Your basic attacks now deal an additional 10 (+12% Magical Power) magical damage on-hit. Periodically, Biting Melody inflicts 4x damage. Furthermore, damaging an Enemy Hero with an ability reduces the cooldown by 1 second.

Primary Ability [Q]: Line Tempo

Cooldown: 6/5.5/5/4.5/4

Cost: 30

Effect: Unleash a Spirit Wolf that dashes in a straight line, passing through all Enemy targets and dealing 65/95/125/155/185 (+60% Magical Power) magical damage.

Secondary Ability [E]: Circle Rhythm

Cooldown: 15/13.5/12/10.5/9

Cost: 60/65/70/75/80

Effect: Summon four Spirit Wolves that surround Shinbi for 3 seconds, providing a 40/60/80/100/120 (+35% Magical Power) shield for the same duration. After the wolves dissipate, they deal 12/19/26/33/40 (+12% Magical Power) magical damage per second to nearby enemies.

Alternate Ability [RMB]: Rushing Beat

Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14

Cost: 80

Effect: Dash forward a set distance, dealing 40/60/80/100/120 (+40% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies in Shinbi’s path. This ability can be activated again within 3 seconds of casting for a second dash.

Ultimate Ability [R]: All-Kill!

Cooldown: 120/100/80

Cost: 100


Passive: Dealing damage to Enemy Heroes with abilities applies Track for 8 seconds, stacking up to 8 times.

Active: Summon a pack of Spirit Wolves to target the Enemy with the most Track Stacks, dealing 50/85/120 (+18% Magical Power) magical damage per Spirit Wolf.

Key Improvements


The in-game store has arrived! Access it by clicking on the store tab in the main menu.

Here, you can utilize your earned or purchased Platinum on skins, or bolster your Platinum balance by acquiring more using your local currency. Initially, the store will offer 12 skins for purchase, with more planned for future updates as we continue to enhance and expand the store, benefiting from ongoing UI enhancements.

For detailed patch notes of Predecessor V0.4, click here.

What’s in Store with the Predecessor Update For 21 February 2023

Get ready for the first major update of 2023 for Predecessor, the high-octane MOBA game. This significant update introduces major modifications to Fangtooth, a vital creature that players must overcome to gain an edge in the game. Additionally, a new iteration of Fangtooth, Primal Fangtooth, guarantees to elevate game dynamics and excitement. Let’s delve deeper into what this update entails for players.

Fangtooth Revamps

Fangtooth has been a constant in Predecessor, offering teams a chance to gain a substantial advantage over opponents. This update ushers in significant changes to Fangtooth, aiming to inject more dynamism and thrill into the game. These alterations seek to provide teams with increased counterplay against early Fangtooth leads, fostering a more balanced gameplay environment.

A standout change to Fangtooth introduces a temporary buff that amplifies teams’ offensive capabilities. This enhancement promises to escalate game intensity, compelling teams to vie for Fangtooth dominance in order to outclass their adversaries. Moreover, Fangtooth’s health has been bolstered, elevating it to a more formidable opponent that demands strategic finesse and teamwork for conquest.

Meet Primal Fangtooth

The update introduces Primal Fangtooth, a fresh rendition of the creature. This menacing version of Fangtooth is poised to keep players on edge, presenting a challenging adversary. While maintaining Fangtooth’s mechanics, Primal Fangtooth introduces a distinct challenge, ensuring players remain engaged and entertained.

Primal Fangtooth is tailored to offer teams increased counterplay against early Fangtooth advantages. This necessitates collaborative effort to defeat Primal Fangtooth, fostering game balance and fairness. Furthermore, Primal Fangtooth grants players a unique chance to seize an upper hand, providing a temporary buff that bolsters offensive prowess.

Solving Small Issues

Besides the extensive Fangtooth changes and the debut of Primal Fangtooth, this update also resolves several minor issues introduced in V.0.4.0. These fixes aim to enhance overall gameplay quality and ensure seamless game operation.

The first major update of 2023 for Predecessor promises a thrilling experience. With the Fangtooth adjustments and the arrival of Primal Fangtooth, games are set to become more dynamic, offering enhanced counterplay against early Fangtooth leads. Additionally, the bug fixes will enhance the overall gaming experience. If you’re a Predecessor enthusiast, you cannot afford to miss this update!


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