Appeal from Peace Corps to Nigerians: Let’s Dialogue with Tinubu and Avoid Nationwide Protests

In a plea to Nigerians, especially those feeling aggrieved, the Peace Corps of Nigeria is urging them to engage in dialogue with President Bola Tinubu and reconsider the planned nationwide protests scheduled for August 1. The Corps believes that opting for consultations and discussions rather than protests could lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand and potentially find amicable solutions.

During a World Press Conference in Abuja on Tuesday, Dr. Dickson Akoh, the National Commandant of the Corps, expressed concerns that protests at this juncture might exacerbate the economic and political challenges facing the nation instead of resolving them. He emphasized the importance of avoiding any actions that could harm the well-being of the populace, especially the most vulnerable.

Asserting the Corps’s stance on potential crisis situations, Akoh stated, “The Corps is committed to safeguarding the overall welfare of the country and its citizens, urging caution amidst the current circumstances.” The organization highlighted the risk of adverse outcomes if the proposed protests were to proceed, advocating for diplomatic approaches like dialogue and persuasion over potentially destabilizing protests in the current tense political climate.

Recognizing the prevailing economic hardships illustrated by increasing poverty levels, the Corps underscored the dire need for a diplomatic resolution to prevent any negative repercussions. By acknowledging the pressing issues affecting citizens, such as inflation, unemployment, hunger, and insecurity, the organization emphasized the urgency for holistic solutions to address these challenges and maintain national security.

While acknowledging the formidable challenges inherited by the current administration led by President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, the Corps emphasized the necessity for a realistic perspective on the complexities of national issues that require sustainable, gradual solutions. The Corps urged patience and support from all Nigerians, particularly the youth, to allow the government the opportunity to implement its policies effectively for the nation’s progress and well-being.