House of Representatives Urges Government to Engage with Protest Organisers

Encouraging dialogue as a way to address the concerns raised by potential protesters, the minority caucus of the House of Representatives recommended on Wednesday that the Federal Government should initiate discussions with the organisers.

During a special meeting and dinner held in Abuja on Monday night, the caucus put forth this suggestion as part of its resolutions.

In a statement released by the caucus’s media team on Wednesday, Chairman Kingsley Chinda emphasized the importance of engaging with the planned protesters and examining the issues they have highlighted that require government attention. Chinda urged the group considering the protest to reconsider, given the current precarious security situation in the country.

Highlighting concerns about potential violence during protests, Chinda stated, “We are not advocating for demonstrations because historical events have shown that even peaceful protests have been exploited by troublemakers. Due to the security challenges in various regions, controlling large crowds may be difficult, allowing opportunistic individuals to incite chaos.”

Additionally, he called on the Federal Government to address security challenges using non-aggressive methods.

“Recognizing the country’s security instability, we advise the government to use a combination of approaches to address these issues effectively. It is vital for security agencies to take appropriate actions to safeguard Nigerian citizens,” he added.

The caucus also urged the government to foster self-reliance among citizens to combat economic hardships.

“We acknowledge the prevailing hunger in the country and urge the government to focus not only on providing short-term relief but also on empowering individuals to become self-sufficient,” Chinda stated.

Chinda revealed that the dinner was organized to express gratitude to caucus members for their unwavering support.

“The primary purpose of our gathering was to host an end-of-year dinner. It was essential for us to arrange this event and convey our appreciation to all members for their continued backing,” he remarked.