COVID-19: Ghanaian deacon dies of Coronavirus on his 55th birthday in London

A tragic incident occurred as a Ghanaian deacon and public transport worker in London passed away after contracting the novel Coronavirus.

According to the Evening Standard, deacon Kenneth Yeboah was admitted to Newham Hospital on March 24th and received a diagnosis of Coronavirus, despite his family indicating that he had no underlying health issues aside from high blood pressure.

Regrettably, he succumbed to the virus a week later on April 1st, which also happened to be his 55th birthday.

Expressing her grief, his wife, Charlotte Yeboah, 51, mentioned that her late husband, who served as a deacon at a church in Dagenham, had been lively and cheerful before his hospitalization.

COVID-19: Ghanaian deacon dies of Coronavirus on his 55th birthday in London�

Speaking about her late husband, Mrs. Yeboah said, “Not long before he went into hospital he had been singing in church. He had been lively and bubbly as always. It’s almost impossible to take in.”

“He was an amazing singer who was the life and soul of the church. He was a wonderful father and husband, an incredible family man. We all miss him so much. People have been calling us from around the world. He touched so many people’s lives. The response has been very moving,” she added.

Mr. Yeboah, a father of three, was employed by Tower Transit at the Lea Valley Interchange bus garage. He is one of eight bus drivers or controllers who have tragically lost their lives due to coronavirus, as reported by Evening Standard.