COVID-19: 65 arrested for holding a party in Lagos despite lockdown

The police in Lagos have arrested 65 individuals for holding a party despite the lockdown measures in place to combat COVID-19. The party took place at 84 Park Hotel, Augusto Close, Oko Oba in the state.

A statement from the spokesperson of the state police command, Bala Elkana, revealed that the suspects were consuming substances suspected to be hard drugs while partying at the hotel. Some of them were found in the swimming pool, ignoring social distancing regulations and the lockdown order. The suspects, aged between 16 and 45, confessed to leaving their homes to attend the party despite the stay-at-home order. The manager of the hotel was also arrested, and the hotel has been sealed off by the relevant state government agency.

The investigation is ongoing, and the suspects will face charges in court. The Commissioner of Police, Lagos State, CP Hakeem Odumosu, urged residents to continue following the law and advised parents to monitor their children’s activities, especially during the lockdown.