Coronavirus Infection Confirmed in Staff Member of US Vice President, Mike Pence

An individual working in the office of US Vice President Mike Pence has been diagnosed with the coronavirus, as confirmed by a spokesperson for Pence on Friday evening.


Although the specific identity and occupational details of the individual have not been disclosed by Pence’s office, this marks the first reported case of the virus among the White House staff. This revelation has raised fresh concerns regarding the well-being of Washington politicians, government officials, and their staffers.


Katie Miller, Pence’s press secretary, issued the following statement:


“‪This evening we were notified that a member of the Office of the Vice President tested positive for the Coronavirus. Neither President Trump nor Vice President Pence had close contact with the individual. Further contact tracing is being conducted in accordance with CDC guidelines.”


Pence has been designated by Trump to lead the White House’s coronavirus task force, which has been conducting daily virus-related press briefings. In recent days, Trump has participated in briefings alongside Pence and other task force members.


Subsequent to interacting with Brazilian officials at his Florida resort, who were later found positive for the disease, President Donald Trump tested negative for the virus. Certain members of the White House staff, who had been in contact with the Brazilian delegation or individuals who tested positive for the virus, have been working from home as a precautionary measure. However, none of them have been reported to have contracted the virus.