Coronavirus: Countries we are looking up to for assistance also facing challenges – FG

The Federal Government has revealed that some of the countries it expected to assist Nigeria in combating the Coronavirus pandemic are also encountering their own difficulties. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, made this known during a press conference on Tuesday, March 31. He emphasized that despite these challenges, some of these countries are still willing to collaborate with Nigeria.

In addition to gathering insights on combating COVID-19, Onyeama informed the media that Nigeria is maintaining contact with potential aid providers to acquire necessary tools for the pandemic fight. He stressed the need for ventilators, highlighting the shortage in the country and the engagement with various nations to secure them.

Moreover, he explained that while some countries are dealing with their own significant challenges related to the pandemic, they are still showing cooperation with Nigeria. The minister also mentioned that countries with successful management of the pandemic have offered assistance in the form of medical personnel, which would be highly valuable to Nigeria. Furthermore, there have been instances where countries facilitated the airlifting of Nigerian resources to support the fight against the pandemic.