Confirmation of Coronavirus infection for Sokoto NMA Chairman

The Nigerian Medical Association’s Sokoto State Chapter Chairman, Dr. Sani Abubakar, has received a positive diagnosis for Coronavirus.


Abubakar revealed this on Tuesday, April 21, and assured that he is currently stable under treatment.


He further mentioned that despite having no history of travel or contact with confirmed or suspected cases, the Sokoto State Taskforce Committee on Coronavirus is actively working to contain the virus spread.


He expressed his sentiments in the following statement; 


It is with regret that I must communicate distressing news to my esteemed colleagues, and it is even more challenging since it concerns myself.

After undergoing testing, I have been confirmed as positive for Covid-19 today.

I have commenced treatment and am currently in a stable condition.

As I had no travel history or contact with any confirmed or suspected case, I have been in isolation and refrained from physical contact with family, friends, and associates since becoming a suspected case.

The Sokoto state task force is undertaking necessary measures.

Finally, I want to alert my colleagues that we may have entered the feared stage of community transmission. We must be more vigilant, adhere to ALL standard precautions, and ENSURE SAFETY.

Dr. SB Abubakar

Chairman of the Sokoto Chapter of the Nigerian Medical Association