Concerns Raised by Coalition Regarding FG’s Lack of Response to Hardship

On Monday, the Coalition of Civil Society for Good Governance, CCSGG, voiced their apprehension about the ongoing silence from the administration led by President Bola Tinubu concerning the hardships faced by the populace.

The group emphasized that the government should have initiated discussions with the citizens regarding the prevailing conditions in the country.

According to the coalition, the absence of dialogue between the government and the people, particularly concerning policies, has exacerbated tensions nationwide.

During a press conference at the NUJ Press Centre in Akure, Ondo State capital, the coordinator of the coalition, Dotun Ajulo, highlighted the significance of the impending nationwide protest and the anonymity surrounding it.

He stated: “The history of our democracy is steeped in protests. However, what sets these protests apart is that they are often associated with recognizable figures. The fundamental question we must ask here is: Who is the face of this looming protest? There is none.”

“We are not exempting the federal government from scrutiny. They have not fulfilled their obligations, which is particularly disappointing coming from President Bola Tinubu’s administration. There has been a lack of meaningful engagement with the masses. The Ministry of Information has failed to effectively communicate with us. It’s like being led to a destination blindfolded.

“The success of any government hinges on its ability to communicate with the populace in a language they comprehend. As Nigerians, we are no strangers to bearing the brunt of policies, but the cost of these actions might necessitate drastic measures.

“The present government’s policies, upon closer inspection, indicate a prolonged impact that will undoubtedly result in considerable suffering and hardship.”