Comrade Isaac Balami: Renowned Nigerian Youth Leader and Aviation Expert Moves from APC to Labour Party

A prominent Nigerian youth leader and aviation expert, Comrade Isaac Balami, has announced his departure from the All Progressives Congress, APC, to join the Labour Party, LP.


Balami, who played a prominent role in the emergence of President Muhammadu Buhari in 2015 by mobilizing northern youths, made the announcement in a statement titled “My Critical Junction.” 


In his statement, the former spokesperson of the National Association of Aircraft Pilots and Engineers cited his solidarity with Nigerians, especially Christians, over the perceived inequality and injustice under the APC-led government as the reason for his departure.


Balami expressed discontent with the APC’s decision to select a Muslim-Muslim ticket and the missed opportunity to support a Northern Christian candidate, stressing the importance of regional and nationwide unity.


To emphasize his commitment, Balami mentioned his significant contributions to the APC and his decision to sell his majority stake in his aircraft hangar and airline to join the Labour Party and the Obidient movement in the fight for good governance.



In addition, he vowed to resist any attempts to disrupt the people’s will in the upcoming elections and called for unity among Christians, Muslims, and all peace-loving citizens to bring positive change to Nigeria through the polls.


Balami concluded his statement with a quote from Isaiah Chapter 1: 19 and affirmed his determination to pursue his chosen path, leaving the choice to the readers.