Church of England school sacks foreign languages teacher who refused to teach ‘extreme’ LGBT lessons

The Church of England school has terminated the employment of a foreign languages instructor who declined to teach “extreme” LGBT material to students. Glawdys Leger, 43, had been teaching at the Bishop Justus CofE School in Bromley, Kent since 2017. Her dismissal in May 2022 came after she expressed her unwillingness to deliver LGBT content from the RE syllabus to year seven pupils. Leger, who has 12 years of teaching experience, may potentially face a permanent ban from the profession following a “fitness to practise” hearing in Coventry beginning on Monday. She objected to introducing students to gender identity concepts such as pansexual, asexual, intersex, and transgender, as well as the promotion of Critical Race Theory and abortion.

The RE teaching syllabus contained suggested teachings about people being “born in the wrong body,” as well as encouraging students to have ‘allyship’ for queer people. Additionally, teachers were required to screen a film titled ‘Fit’ addressing individuals with protected characteristics.

In a statement prior to her hearing, Leger expressed the distress she has experienced, emphasizing her compassion for the LGBT community while maintaining her religious beliefs. She pointed out that the school’s Christian aspects seemed to be superficial and that contrary political and ethical beliefs were being promoted without parental awareness.

The Aquinas Church of England Education Trust spokesperson asserted the school’s commitment to providing high-quality education and supporting student wellbeing, promoting mutual respect, and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. The trust strives to comply with statutory requirements and relevant guidance from the Department for Education in promoting British values.

The spokesperson declined to make further comments citing the ongoing investigation and sensitivity of the matter.