Church Members in Ghana Confess Their Sexual Escapades Openly, Reveal Body Counts [Video]

Church Members in Ghana Confess Their Sexual Escapades Openly, Reveal Body Counts [Video]

Members of International Godsway Church, founded by controversial Ghanaian Pastor, Angel Bishop Obinim, stunned everyone with their move to confess their sexual sins publicly and further revealing how many men and women they’ve slept with.

Bishop Obinim, in the video which surfaced online, could be seen asking the members to share their sexual escapades. Some members of the church who went public with their sexual sins, revealed they’ve slept with 7-50 different people in the past.

Here’s the video below;

Apart from the sexual sins confession, Prophet Obinim and his church members have been in the news before now for different reasons. The Founder of the International Gods Way Church, over the years gained infamy for his rather disputable acts which range from stepping on the stomach of a sick person, delivering a little boy from womanizing spirit to engaging in public tirades with other pastors and personalities.

Some of the controversies he sparked before now include;

  1. Obinim allegedly slept with his junior pastor’s wife

Obinim admitted to sleeping with the wife of his junior pastor and however added that it was in God’s plans for that to happen because it made his church members realise he was a human being, thus breaking the perception that he was an angel due to the miracles he was able to perform in church.

  1. Obinim vandalised HOT FM Studio and attacked the presenter

Bishop Obinim and his accomplices, who were offended by a discussion where he was accused of allegedly having sex with the wife of Pastor Williams Fobi, a junior pastor of his church, was charged with going to the Adabraka-based radio station with a crowbar and sticks to damage their property. A court acquitted and discharged the pastor for the act committed in 2011.

  1. Obinim engaged in public battle with spiritualist

The Kumasi-based Bishop decided to participate in a spiritual battle with juju man to prove “who was the greater power”. The spiritual battle attracted thousands to the Kumasi Jubilee Park in the Ashanti Region, to witness the much-talked-about spiritual showdown between controversial Pastor, Bishop Daniel Obinim and renowned Kumasi-based Fetish Priest Okomfo Yaw Appiah.

  1. Bishop Obinim engages in exchange of words with Afia Schwarzenegger

“Obinim the “dream-visitor pastor” versus the so-called foul-mouthed Afia Schwarzenegger” This battle of words lasted for a while with the prophet warning the radio/TV presenter that he’d visit her in her dreams.

  1. He stepped on “sick” woman’s stomach to heal her

Bishop Daniel Obinim defended the incident in which he was captured on a video recording violently stepping on the stomach of a lady who had visited his church for healing.

  1. Trying to fly to heaven during a church service

In a video which went viral on social media, the self-acclaimed angel of God, was seen opening his arms and readies himself to be airlifted to meet his father Jesus. But moments after, the controversial prophet ran and threw himself unto the members of his church, who did not not want him to fly and leave them behind.