Choosing to stay married – Jaiye Kuti’s story

Recently, actress and filmmaker Jaiye Kuti stirred conversation by acknowledging that many married women, herself included, have contemplated ending their marriages. She disclosed that she had attempted to leave her marriage on three occasions.

In an interview with Saturday Beats, Kuti emphasized the importance of understanding and forgiveness in dealing with marital challenges. She stated, “I wanted people to know that marriage is not a bed of roses. I want women to know that understanding plays a significant role in the success of every marriage, because love alone is not sufficient. At some point, both spouses will have to understand that everyone is human and prone to mistakes. If they are unwilling to forgive each other, the marriage cannot be sustained.”

Kuti added a personal anecdote, “I have been married for over 20 years. If I count our courtship period, it would be 25 years. My husband even sponsored my education at the University of Lagos before we got married in 2000.”

The actress also advised young individuals not to expect 100% happiness, love, or romance in marriage.

Addressing the misconception among some women that their religious beliefs would shield their marriages from challenges, Kuti asserted, “There is nothing like ‘Jesus will not allow my marriage to have challenges.’ Marriages are ordained to face challenges, regardless of one’s religious beliefs. Challenges are inherent in marriages, irrespective of whether one is a Christian, Muslim, or atheist.”