Cholera Alert: Take Caution!

With a fresh outbreak of cholera in Nigeria causing concern, Lagos is among the affected states. The National Biosafety Management Agency has urged the public to be vigilant as reports indicate 30 deaths and 1,141 suspected cases across various states. It is imperative for individuals to prioritize hygiene practices while government support for the affected is crucial.

Cholera is currently spreading in Bayelsa, Zamfara, Abia, Cross River, Bauchi, Delta, Katsina, Imo, Nasarawa, and Lagos, indicating a potential spread beyond these regions.

As Nigeria approaches the festive period of Salah celebrations, it is vital for the populace to grasp the severity of this outbreak and take immediate preventive measures to safeguard themselves and their families.

Cholera, a highly contagious bacterial infection, is transmitted through consuming contaminated food or water. The Vibrio cholerae bacteria thrive in unsanitary environments with limited access to clean water. Symptoms include severe diarrhea, vomiting, and rapid dehydration, which can be fatal if not treated promptly.

The Global Task Force on Cholera Control highlights that the disease disproportionately affects the impoverished in underdeveloped countries, having been eradicated in Europe and North America over 100 years ago. In Nigeria, periodic cholera outbreaks persist, likely due to poverty and poor hygiene practices.

In 2021, there were cholera outbreaks in 23 African and Eastern Mediterranean countries, increasing to 29 in 2022 according to the World Health Organisation.

The NBMA, in collaboration with health authorities, is actively monitoring the situation and implementing containment measures. However, individual and community actions are essential in combatting this outbreak.

NBMA’s Director-General, Agnes Asagbra, stresses the importance of caution and hygiene practices to curb cholera’s spread.

Nigerians should ensure all drinking water is boiled or purified using approved methods. Proper hand hygiene, including thorough washing with soap and water before eating, food preparation, and after using the restroom, significantly reduces infection risk.

Food must be cooked thoroughly and consumed hot, while raw items like fruits and vegetables should be peeled or washed with safe water. Avoid fruits that cannot be peeled at this time.

Maintaining a clean environment and proper waste disposal are crucial in preventing contamination.

While individual efforts are vital, the government’s role in managing and containing the outbreak is paramount.

All state governors, health commissioners, and relevant authorities should establish robust health surveillance systems to promptly detect and respond to outbreaks. Public awareness campaigns are essential to educate the population on cholera prevention and hygiene importance.

Governments must ensure all communities have access to clean water by setting up emergency purification stations in affected areas and improving existing water infrastructure. Continuous water provision is essential throughout the year.

Health facilities must be equipped with necessary supplies and personnel to manage cholera cases, including rehydration solutions, antibiotics, and trained staff to handle outbreaks.

Collaboration with international health organizations can offer additional expertise, resources, and support in effectively containing the outbreak.

Health commissioners must not wait for fatalities to act; proactive measures are necessary to prevent such tragedies. Timely interventions, transparent public communication, and prepared healthcare facilities are crucial in managing cholera.

The cholera outbreak in Lagos demands immediate and comprehensive action as a public health emergency. By adhering to hygiene practices, ensuring clean water access, and maintaining vigilant health surveillance, lives can be saved. This applies to all state governments, regardless of current outbreak status.

Nigerians should heed the NBMA’s warning and collectively prioritize health and safety. Together, the nation can overcome this challenge and protect communities from cholera’s impact.

Amidst this crisis, staying well-informed and united can make Nigeria a healthier place. The recent outbreak should serve as a wakeup call to health commissioners across all states and governmental bodies.

Issuing statements after deaths is insufficient; proactive measures are crucial to prevent such tragedies. Health commissioners must lead by example, demonstrating commitment to public health through timely actions and transparent public communication.

This outbreak highlights the need for state governments to eradicate open defecation, a contributing factor to cholera. Open defecation is visible along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, symbolizing a broader societal issue nationwide that requires immediate attention.

Unsafe practices like selling food and animals in unhygienic areas facilitate disease transmission. State authorities must address this by enforcing strict measures against public defecation, providing public toilets with running water, and ensuring user safety.

India, Nigeria, and Pakistan lead in global open defecation rates. Nigeria reports 18.44% practicing open defecation as of 2022, a statistic that necessitates urgent action.

The cholera outbreak demands swift and thorough action. By following hygiene guidelines, securing clean water access, and bolstering health surveillance, Nigeria can avert further tragedies. It is a collective effort requiring government, health authorities, and citizens to act promptly.

Combatting cholera is a shared responsibility. Each stakeholder has a role to play in addressing this crisis without delay.