Chelsea coach Thomas Tuchel refutes discontent at the club


Thomas Tuchel, the manager of Chelsea, has denied any dissatisfaction at the club as it undergoes a transitional phase after the purchase by American businessman Todd from Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich.


Despite the departure of key players such as Antonio Rudiger, Andreas Christensen, and Timo Werner, and the recruitment of Raheem Sterling and Kalidou Koulibaly, Tuchel admits to facing challenges without the presence of former club executive and player, Peter Cech, who stepped down from his role as the club’s technical director after the change in ownership.


However, he asserts that he is ‘extremely happy’, despite appearing frustrated during the Blues’ pre-season tour of America and Chelsea’s less than convincing 1-0 Premier League win at Everton on Saturday, August 6.

‘I still believe we are in transition with a new ownership,’ Tuchel stated to Soccer AM when asked about Chelsea’s eventful pre-season.


 Chelsea manager Thomas Tuchel denies he?s unhappy at the club

‘Petr Cech, who was also such a significant factor, especially for me in the season in the development here in Cobham, conversing with everyone and the staff, and providing immense support for me.

‘He’s no longer here, so there are some changes. We are upbeat, but we are somewhat in transition, so we are enthusiastic, but it’s quite early in the season.’

Tuchel also disclosed that he found it challenging to detach himself during the off-season due to various issues, particularly related to player recruitment, that needed attention.

He remarked, ‘Normally, I take a break; I train myself to relax, but this season it was impossible. New ownership, new communication, transfer period.

‘We lost key players. It was not a summer like the last years and it felt a lot shorter than it actually was.’


He further added, ‘I’m not just happy, I’m extremely happy. These two guys are fantastic individuals and outstanding footballers.

‘They are precisely what we need, so having Kalidou in defense and Raheem in attack is a top-notch signing.’