Chad’s Request for Electricity Supply from Nigeria

There has been a formal request from the government of Chad Republic to the federal government to connect the country to the Nigerian electricity grid.

Chadian Ambassador to Nigeria, Abakar Saleh Chachaimi, made the request during a visit to the Minister of Power, Engr. Sale Mamman in Abuja.

The ambassador emphasized the historical and economic value of connecting Chad to Nigeria’s electricity grid, while the Minister of Power highlighted the importance of enhancing the long-standing relations between the two countries.

Engr. Sale Mamman approved the request to host his counterpart from the Republic of Chad for a technical analysis and stated that Nigeria would evaluate it within the various projects under the Transmission Rehabilitation and Expansion Programme (TREP) for possible integration.

“I, therefore, direct the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) whose representatives are part of this meeting, to come up with a business case and implementation modalities. Based on that, we will write to the Presidency to secure all the necessary approvals.”

Engr. Sale Mamman also disclosed that under the framework of the West African Power Pool (WAPP) objective of promoting power exchange among ECOWAS member states, the Republics of Benin, Burkina-Faso, Niger, and Nigeria are building an 875 kilometer 330 kilovolt power transmission line, the “North Core Transmission line”.

He further informed the Chadian delegation that Nigeria currently has bilateral contracts for supplying electricity to Niger Republic and Benin Republic, which has been ongoing for decades.