Call to Political Office Holders to Uphold Campaign Promises – NNPP Member’s Advice to Tinubu and Others

In a message directed at political office holders including President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, state governors, and members of the National Assembly, a chieftain of the New Nigeria People’s Party, NNPP, Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo, urges them to remember their promises made during campaigns.

On the occasion of the Eid Adha festival, the party member stressed the importance of embracing the principle of sacrifices in governing the country.

He emphasized the significance of fulfilling the commitments made to the electorate during election campaigns as a vital aspect of fulfilling leadership responsibilities.

Reflecting on Prophet Ibrahim’s obedience to Allah’s command and his fulfillment of promises, Oguntoyinbo encouraged political leaders to emulate these virtues in their governance.

Furthermore, he urged the leaders to prioritize the growth and prosperity of the nation through necessary sacrifices.

He reiterated the importance of holding a reverent fear of God in all their endeavors.

Oguntoyinbo extended his greetings to Muslim faithful on the celebration of Eid el Kabir, urging for a peaceful and harmonious festive period amidst the prevailing economic challenges. He encouraged gratitude for life’s blessings and underscored the ongoing tranquility in the nation as a reason for gratitude to Almighty Allah.

He emphasized the need for political leaders to draw inspiration from the story of Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son as a demonstration of loyalty to Allah, highlighting the significance of leaders making sacrifices for national peace and prosperity.

By fulfilling their campaign promises, leaders can uphold the trust placed in them by the electorate, paving the way for divine intervention in the nation’s progress and well-being.

Ultimately, it is essential for leaders to maintain a commitment to alleviating the hardships faced by the masses through devoted and conscientious efforts, grounded in a deep reverence for the Divine.