Call for Minimum Wage Increase to N100,000 Over Political Statements Made by Idam to Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu has been criticized by human rights activist lawyer Maduabuchi Idam for not showing sufficient concern for Nigerian workers’ welfare, asserting that the minimum wage should be set at N100,000.

Idam criticized Tinubu for proposing N62,000 as the new national minimum wage, suggesting a lack of interest in workers’ well-being.

Ongoing negotiations between the Nigerian government and organized labor are continuing.

Although the government proposed N62,000, labor lowered its initial demand from N494,000 to N250,000.

Amid the negotiations, Tinubu pledged to present a minimum wage bill to the National Assembly.

However, speaking with the NewsNow, Idam stated: “President Bola Tinubu hasn’t displayed leadership qualities that show concern for his workers’ welfare. There is a significant disparity between the demands of labor and the government. While the President is proposing N62,000, labor revised their request to N250,000 from N494,000. I expected the President to meet them halfway by setting the wage at N100,000 or higher, not N62,000.

“I recognize that state governors may be creating obstacles by stating that their budgets can’t accommodate the demand, but this is the time for the President to exhibit leadership and demonstrate his commitment to improving the workers’ conditions during his administration.

“I don’t believe the President has shown the attributes of a leader concerned about his workers’ welfare because, if he had, he would be collaborating with labor and engaging the unemployed youths of Nigeria to address these challenges.”

Labor’s Interests Branded Selfish

The constitutional lawyer also criticized labor’s demands as self-centered, emphasizing that there are more unemployed individuals than those currently employed.

He remarked: “I have always maintained that labor’s demands are self-serving. We have a larger population of unemployed individuals in Nigeria, yet there seems to be no advocacy for them. I can affirm that the President has not adequately responded to the labor’s requests.

“The President needs to step up and seize the opportunity to make positive changes that will be recognized in history.

“Based on the policies in place, the promises made by the President seem unachievable unless there is a willingness to change the approach. By engaging private sector experts who understand economic dynamics, rather than surrounding himself with conventional politicians, the President could make a significant impact.

“Nigeria is moving away from conventional political norms; citizens are eager to witness tangible actions driven by technocrats who comprehend economic strategies. This is the need of the hour for Nigeria. We require individuals well-versed in economic matters, not conventional politicians who simply focus on theatrics, popularity, and futile projects that do not benefit the populace.

“We are keen on seeing leaders who comprehend the aspirations of the Nigerian people. We want cabinet members who are dedicated to stimulating the economy, not traditional politicians. Collaborating with such individuals will demonstrate the President’s commitment to propelling Nigeria forward and achieving his vision of instilling renewed hope.”

Nigerians Disinterested in Tinubu’s Political Declarations on Democracy Day

The lawyer cautioned the President as Nigerians have lost interest in his political rhetoric.

He highlighted that Tinubu may struggle to fulfill his promises due to inadequate advisors.

Idam added: “The President’s speeches may sound reassuring and promising, but the critical question is how prepared is he to translate words into action? Merely articulating soothing words is insufficient. The citizens demand tangible actions.

“The campaign period is over; citizens are less concerned about the President’s intentions, instead, the focus is on actualizing those intentions now that he holds office. We seek concrete actions, not intentions. It is evident that the President aspires for success and a commendable legacy, but the question remains – is he prepared to execute these plans?

“Political rhetoric no longer captures the public’s attention. Judging by the current scenario, it appears that the President is inadequately prepared. Whether due to a lack of competent advisors or a team incapable of driving economic growth, it is clear that the current setup lacks experts in economic strategies.

“The President should seek counsel beyond his immediate circle and listen to the grievances of the Nigerian people impacted by his policies. Nigerians are critical of the fuel subsidy removal, viewing it as detrimental. A true leader, upon realizing the adverse effects of a decision, should be willing to reverse course.

“It is acceptable to make errors, and while it’s understood that the majority of candidates supported the fuel subsidy removal during the election, Nigerians have witnessed the negative outcomes. The situation has escalated, the economy is in turmoil, and citizens are emigrating due to hardships. The question arises – are we content with promises lacking concrete actions?

“Our stance is clear – promises must align with corresponding actions. Citizens are uninterested in mere promises from the President.”