Call for Continuation of Presidential Amnesty Programme – Ijaw Youths

In a recent statement, the Ijaw Youths Network (IYN) has advised President Bola Tinubu to disregard requests for the abolition of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP).

The IYN emphasized that those advocating for the scrapping of the PAP are disconcerted by the current peace and stability in the Niger Delta region, lacking genuine patriotic concerns for the development of both the region and Nigeria as a whole.

Frank Ebikabo, the President, and Federal Ebiaridor, the Secretary of IYN jointly signed the statement, expressing that the push to disband the PAP by certain ethnic groups is merely a ploy to divert attention from the positive strides achieved by the new leadership of the programme.

Responding to assertions made by Frank Tietie on national television regarding alleged corruption within the PAP and its lack of accomplishments despite significant investment from the Federal Government, the Ijaw youths criticized these claims. They condemned Tietie’s suggestion that only a single ethnic group benefits from the PAP, highlighting the importance of uniting efforts towards progress instead of promoting divisive narratives.

According to the IYN, the PAP has played a pivotal role in maintaining peace in the Niger Delta through its well-crafted initiatives. Many individuals who underwent training under the programme have excelled in various sectors, such as aviation, marine engineering, and other technical fields, significantly contributing to the region’s development.

The statement further underscored the successful entrepreneurial endeavors of PAP beneficiaries in areas like fashion design, agriculture, and trade, emphasizing that the programme has empowered many to become self-reliant and economically sustainable.

The IYN reiterated the necessity for unity and collaborative efforts towards the advancement of the Niger Delta, dismissing attempts to undermine the PAP based on ethnic biases. The group urged a collective focus on development rather than succumbing to divisive tactics.

The statement also addressed the remarks made by Mr. Frank Tietie, highlighting the misleading nature of his claims regarding the allocation of funds to the PAP by the Federal Government and pointing out the broader context of government expenditure in the Niger Delta region.

Emphasizing the inclusive nature of the PAP and refuting claims of ethnic favoritism, the IYN dismissed any insinuations that the programme is geared towards specific groups, emphasizing its role in fostering sustainable development for all participants regardless of ethnicity.

Conclusively, the IYN emphasized the historical context of the Presidential Amnesty Programme and its significance in addressing the socio-economic challenges faced by the Niger Delta region, emphasizing the need for continued support and non-discriminatory approach towards its beneficiaries.