Bryan Adams apologizes after blaming “wet markets and bat eating" Chinese nationals for Coronavirus

The Canadian musician Bryan Adams expressed regret after attributing the origin of the Coronavirus to Chinese nationals who eat bats and engage in the sale of animals in wet markets. He issued an apology for the controversial remarks, clarifying that his intention was to advocate for veganism.

Adams’ initial post drew criticism, with many interpreting his comments as being anti-Asian or anti-Chinese. In response, he posted a message expressing remorse to those who were offended by his earlier statement. He emphasized his concern for everyone affected by the global pandemic and conveyed his love for all people.

Wet markets are a common sight in various parts of Asia, where a wide array of items such as live animals, seafood, produce, and household products are sold. Many researchers believe that the virus may have originated from a wet market in Wuhan, China. However, there is also a theory suggesting a possible connection to a laboratory in Wuhan. The World Health Organization has indicated the need for further research to establish a clear link between the virus and the market in Wuhan.