Breaking News: VeryDarkMan Released from Police Custody

Martins Otse, widely known as Verydarkman, a controversial social media critic, has been freed from police custody in Abuja.

The news of Otse’s release was verified by his lawyer, Deji Adeyanju, who confirmed it on Sunday.

In a recent post, Adeyanju expressed his gratitude to everyone involved in securing VDM’s release, specifically mentioning Sowore, Kefiano, and VDM’s legal team.

According to former presidential candidate Omoyele Sowore, the 27-year-old was detained on charges of cyberbullying. Sowore criticized the police for abusing their authority and collaborating with influential individuals in the country to suppress dissent.

This is not the first time this year that the critic has faced arrest. In January, he was reportedly taken into custody following a complaint by actress Tonto Dikeh regarding remarks made in the aftermath of the late Nigerian singer Mohbad’s case.

Accusations by the critic against Dikeh and her colleague Iyabo Ojo of exploiting the singer’s death for publicity were at the center of the earlier arrest.