Breaking News: Soldiers Sentenced to Six Months in Jail for Assaulting Women During Coronavirus Curfew Enforcement in Uganda

Six UPDF officers have been charged and sentenced to six months in prison by the UPDF army court-martial at Gulu 4th division barracks.

The officers were implicated in the assault of civilians at Elegu border in Uganda.

Soldiers Sentenced to Six Months in Jail for Assaulting Women During Coronavirus Curfew Enforcement in Uganda

Last week, a joint security team, including Police and army officers, targeted and assaulted 38 men and women residing in makeshift structures at Loriko West village, Elegu town council in Amuru district, resulting in injuries. The court-martial, chaired by Col. George Nambafu, heard that on Saturday, April 4, the suspects assaulted and injured people, most of whom were women, at Elegu border with South Sudan under the pretext of enforcing the President’s directives on coronavirus and curfew.

Soldiers Sentenced to Six Months in Jail for Assaulting Women During Coronavirus Curfew Enforcement in Uganda

Those involved included Lance Cpl Awany Constantine, Pte Muhamed Makanga, Ebong John Max, Robert Muteke, Amanya Rogers, and Ayebazibwe Elias.

The accused officers, all members of the UPDF army attached to the 71st Battalion, were collectively charged with different counts, including assault causing bodily harm, assault causing actual bodily harm, and doing grievous bodily harm.

Reading their charges, each of the officers immediately pleaded guilty, attributing their actions to following orders. “Court should forgive me because I did not force myself to do it but because I was ordered to do that while we went for the operation,” Pte Makanga told the court.

Soldiers Sentenced to Six Months in Jail for Assaulting Women During Coronavirus Curfew Enforcement in Uganda

However, in the ruling, Col Nambafu emphasized that the six-month sentence was a lighter punishment as the officers showed remorse and were junior officers operating under a civil command of a police officer. “Court has sentenced you the accused number one, Cpl Awany Constantine, Pte Ebong John Max, Pte Makanga Muhamed, Muteka Robert, Pte Amanya Rogers, and Pte Ayebazibwe Elias to six months in prison at 4th division headquarters here,” Col. Nambafu said. “You will serve the sentence concurrently, meaning that you will serve six months for all the counts and you have the right to appeal this decision within 14 days from today,” he added.