Boss questions why interns think carrying their boss' bag is a sign of respect as he narrates personal experience

An entrepreneur has questioned why interns feel carrying their boss’ bag is a sign of respect.


He tweeted: “Intern at the office always approaches me when I walk in the gate and tries to help me carry my bag to my desk. Of course I refuse, every time. I will never understand this behavior.


“Why do you assume I cant carry my bag that I was bringing from home by myself and you need to help me carry it the remaining less than 20m to my desk?


“What suggests that this is a sign of respect? How does it make any sense? He does this every time he sees me even though I refused the day before, and when I asked him, he seemed to think it is a sign of respect.


“Doesn’t make a single iota of sense. How old am I that you think you need to be helping me carry my bad?”


Twitter users responded, stating that the culture of respect in Nigeria and the menial jobs interns are assigned in organizations could be blamed for this.


See below.


Boss questions why interns think carrying their boss

Boss questions why interns think carrying their boss

Boss questions why interns think carrying their boss

Boss questions why interns think carrying their boss