Black man attacked by a group of white men in Indiana (video)

The news reports an appalling incident in Indiana where a black man was attacked by a group of white men near Lake Monroe. Vauhxx Rush Booker, the victim, took to Facebook to narrate the events that occurred on Saturday, July 5.

According to Booker, the attack took place on state-owned land, and a video from the scene captured several white men holding him down while using racial slurs. Additionally, the post explains that when the DNR police were called to the scene, they failed to make any arrests despite witnessing the video evidence.

The Mayor of Bloomington, John Hamilton, released a statement condemning the attack and assuring that he would continue to demand justice for the victims. The full post by Booker is also shared. It includes a lengthier account of the attack and the subsequent events.

A series of images depicting the incident are also included in the post. These visuals serve to provide a clearer understanding of the disturbing nature of the attack.