Big Shame as Rochas Okorocha Faces Major International Embarrassment

Big Shame as Rochas Okorocha Faces Major International Embarrassment

BBC News Igbo, has mocked the Governor of Imo State, Rochas Okorocha, for erecting a President Muhammadu Buhari look alike statue, in Owerri, the State capital.

Big Shame as Rochas Okorocha Faces Major International Embarrassment

Sharing the photos on its Facebook page, the British medium wondered if the Governor was never tired of erecting statues.

Big Shame as Rochas Okorocha Faces Major International Embarrassment

The caption given to the images in Igbo language, simply translates: “It is like Okorocha is not tired of erecting statues, who is he erecting for Imo people again?”

Recall, that Rochas Okorocha was not issued a Certificate of Return by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, on Thursday, after he was adjudged to have forced the Returning Officer for Imo West Senatorial District, to declare him as the winner of the February 23, Senatorial election.

The son-in-law to the Governor, Uche Nwosu, also lost his Governorship bid to the Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Emeka Ihiedioha.

Elsewhere, unconfirmed report has it that Rochas Okorocha is contemplating going on exile, following the political humiliation he has suffered so far.

Big Shame as Rochas Okorocha Faces Major International Embarrassment