Bestselling author whose dad is an ICU doctor treating Coronavirus patients explains what the virus does to patients

Bess Kalb, the bestselling author of ‘Nobody Will Tell You This But Me’, shared her dad’s experience caring for Coronavirus patients.

She revealed that her dad, an ICU doctor, has observed unprecedented health issues in COVID-19 patients, something he has never seen in his long career.

According to Bess, it’s not just older people who are affected. She explained that even young COVID-19 patients are impacted and could die from “cytokine storm” just when they think they are recovering.

Describing her father’s experience, Bess wrote: “My dad is an ICU doctor treating COVID-19 patients. In the past WEEK he has set more ‘I’ve never seen a heart rate/RBC count/etc. like this’ records than in his decades-long career. What this virus does to the body is like ‘sticking your finger in an electric socket.’ Stay home.”

She recounted a case where a patient needed 8 blood transfusions in a morning despite not bleeding, as the coronavirus was consuming the red blood cells faster than his bone marrow could produce them.

Bess emphasized the severity of the situation, stating that young, healthy people are succumbing to a COVID-19 effect called a “cytokine storm,” where the immune system damages lung tissue, causing suffocation even after seemingly recovering.

She also highlighted the occurrence of random strokes in young COVID-19 patients, where they could be talking one minute and then experiencing a stroke in the next moment, leading to critical situations.

She concluded by urging people to stay at home and not take the virus lightly.

Read her entire thread below.

Bestselling author whose dad is an ICU doctor treating Coronavirus patients explains what the virus does to patients

Bestselling author whose dad is an ICU doctor treating Coronavirus patients explains what the virus does to patients

Bestselling author whose dad is an ICU doctor treating Coronavirus patients explains what the virus does to patients

Bestselling author whose dad is an ICU doctor treating Coronavirus patients explains what the virus does to patients

Bestselling author whose dad is an ICU doctor treating Coronavirus patients explains what the virus does to patients

Bestselling author whose dad is an ICU doctor treating Coronavirus patients explains what the virus does to patients