Beijing Enforces Closure of All Schools Due to Resurgence of Coronavirus

Amid concerns of a second wave, officials in Beijing have made the decision to shut down all schools in response to the resurgence of the Coronavirus in the area.


On Tuesday, China’s National Health Commission confirmed a rise in new Covid-19 cases in Beijing, tallying up to 106. This surge comes after almost two months of no new infections reported in the capital city.


In response to the outbreak, the city escalated its emergency response level to two, mandating that individuals must undergo Covid-19 testing before leaving the region. Additionally, entire housing blocks have been placed under quarantine.


The new cases have been traced back to Xinfadi market, the largest wholesale market in Asia. Meanwhile, three other provinces – Liaoning, Hebei, and Sichuan – have also reported confirmed or suspected cases linked to Beijing.


China Central Television has announced that all schools will transition to online courses, and college students will halt their return to campus.


Authorities have also taken measures such as shuttering 11 food markets and conducting sanitization procedures on approximately 300 others. Restrictions have been imposed on food deliveries, prohibiting them from reaching certain points during drop-offs for the time being.


Wu Zunyou, China’s chief epidemiologist, stated that the new Covid-19 cases will play a crucial role in determining the trajectory of the epidemic over the next three days. He also suggested that the outbreak may be linked to the market environment, particularly the cold, wet conditions, which could help sustain the virus for extended periods.