Baker accused of being insensitive after she narrated how her cousin lost her unborn baby after her husband beat her up

The insensitivity of a baker was called into question after she shared the story of her cousin’s tragic loss of an unborn baby due to domestic violence. The baker took to Twitter to convey a message about her cousin’s unfortunate experience, but her approach was heavily criticized by Twitter users.

In her tweet, @Coco_Lagos mentioned how her mother had made her life difficult when her cousin got married before her. She went on to reveal that her cousin had tragically lost her 8-month-old unborn baby after being beaten by her husband. Additionally, she included a lesson about not comparing oneself to others, advising her followers to “never use another person’s clock to check your time.”

She expressed her own unhappiness about her cousin’s loss while emphasizing the importance of not measuring one’s life against the timeline of others. Despite this, many Twitter users criticized her for using her cousin’s tragic experience to convey her message.

Following her post, Twitter users responded with criticism, highlighting the insensitivity of using someone else’s misfortune to deliver a message.

The incident sparked a debate on social media, with many expressing their disapproval of the baker’s approach. The controversial post has undeniably raised important discussions about empathy and sensitivity in the online community.