Baby born with four arms and four legs celebrated as a ‘miracle of nature’

Considered as a “miracle of nature” in India, a baby has entered the world with an extraordinary feature – four arms and four legs.


The infant has been likened to a divine reincarnation.


The images of the newborn, delivered in Hardoi, Northern India over the weekend, have been circulating on the internet.


The photos depict the baby with the additional limbs attached to the stomach.


Baby born with four arms and four legs hailed as


Weighing 6.5lbs, the child was born at the Shahabad Community Health Centre in the state of Uttar Pradesh.


Baby born with four arms and four legs hailed as


The mother, Kareena, was quickly taken to the hospital after experiencing labor pains on Saturday, July 2, and delivered the baby shortly after.


After news of the birth spread, there has been a surge of people visiting to see the baby, with locals drawing comparisons to a multi-limbed goddess.


Baby born with four arms and four legs hailed as