Atiku Urges Nigerians to Show Compassion During Eid el-Kabir Celebration

In his Sallah message, Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar encouraged Nigerians, especially those in positions of authority, to embrace compassion, love, and sacrifice, values exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim.

He emphasized the significance of Eid el-Kabir as a time to celebrate God’s love and mercy towards humanity, not just through festivities but by demonstrating forbearance and empathy in all aspects of life.

Atiku’s message, conveyed through his media office in Abuja, stressed the importance of cultivating peaceful relationships and showing kindness to others, particularly during challenging times.

He highlighted the need for individuals to trust in God and extend a helping hand to those in need, emphasizing the importance of supporting and caring for the vulnerable in society.

Atiku also called on governmental authorities to implement measures aimed at alleviating the hardships faced by Nigerians, urging a proactive approach to addressing the challenges affecting the populace.