Associate of Bandit Commander Eliminated by Soldiers During Eid Celebration

Amid Eid al-Kabir celebrations in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigerian Army troops on security patrols took down a terrorist named Daushe, who was an accomplice of a well-known commander.

According to a statement released on, the troops’ proactive actions were aimed at ensuring the safety and security of citizens during the ongoing festive period.

The statement mentioned, “In a proactive move to safeguard the lives and properties of citizens during the ongoing Eid-El-Kabir celebration in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State, troops deployed for special patrols to ensure a peaceful and secure environment for all residents have eliminated a terrorist identified as a cohort of a notorious terrorist commander known as Buharin Yadi, who was eliminated by troops in a recent encounter.

During a patrol towards Kidandan village in Giwa LGA, the alert troops spotted the terrorist, Daushe, attempting to escape on a motorcycle upon seeing the patrol approaching.

Swiftly chasing after him, the troops forced Daushe to abandon his motorcycle and flee into a nearby settlement.

Continuing their pursuit, the troops eventually caught up with Daushe, eliminating him as he tried to escape into the bushes on the outskirts of the community.

Upon searching the area, the troops discovered the discarded motorcycle, two bags of corn flour, and a mobile phone belonging to the neutralized terrorist.

Intelligence sources confirmed Daushe’s connection to Buharin Yadi, another terrorist leader recently taken down by troops in the same area, as stated in the report.

A report by PUNCH revealed that troops of Operation Whirl Punch had eliminated 36 bandits, including Buhari Alhaji Halidu, also known as “Buharin Yadi,” a notorious bandit leader causing terror in the Northern region for years.

Following these operations, residents in the Kaduna-Katsina border communities reportedly celebrated in jubilation.